Revision Pull Conflict - Changed Connections



  • Praveen Kumar Reddy Basani Senior Product Manager
    Celigo University Level 4: Legendary
    Great Answer

    Hi Michael Gantt,

    Ideal way of updating connections is to have the new connections added to the integration in Sandbox and then use 'Pull' in Production integration to have the new connections added to the Production integration while merging the changes from Sandbox integration.

    When you update the connections (or any other dependent objects) in both Sandbox and Production integrations independently, the system understands that the state of both integrations is altered and so shows conflict.

    For you to fix this conflict now, I would advice you to revert the Production integration to the state before the connections are added and then pull the changes from Sandbox integration. With this, you will not see the conflict and also see an option to add new connections. 

    Do let me know if you need any further assistance on this.

  • Michael Gantt
    Celigo University Level 4: Legendary

    I understand now and that worked.  Thank you for the quick response!


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