Please give the handlebar editor some attention
There's several bugs that have been around for quite some time now and they're very annoying. I keep thinking they'll be fixed, but they persist.
Three that I just encountered in the past 2 minutes:
- cursor jumps to the end of handlebar expression braces when editing the middle of an expression. (rules 2.0 transformation editor)
- Double quote character replaced by single quote character - why? (rules 2.0 transformation editor)
- Replacing text with handlebar expression tosses out all characters after the handlebar expression. (FTP filename editor)
Official comment
Hi Steve... thanks for raising these. I'm passing your feedback on to our product managers. We have various enhancements in mind and will look to see how we can move quickly on these.
Hi Tony Curcio, That's good to hear and I appreciate the quick action. I have some other UI issues/feedback if anyone wants to reach out directly, I'll be happy to share (stuff that slows me down, get's in the way or is frustrating). I won't spam this community with them.
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Thank you, Steve Klett for being open to sharing your feedback. We truly appreciate your willingness to help us improve. We would love to hear more about the UI feedback you have. I'll reach out to you directly to coordinate a convenient time slot for us to discuss your feedback in detail.
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