Unable to map the contents of a NetSuite Multi Select picklist to a salesforce Multi Select picklist

I am trying to add what I thought would be a simple mapping to an existing flow to take the contents of a multi-select picklist from NetSuite and push them into a multi select picklist on Salesforce. I created the SF field myself and it has full read/write access.

An excerpt from the payload exported from NetSuite looks like this:

  "baserecordtype": "promotioncode",

  "duration-multi”: [


      "internalid": "1",      "name": "Monthly"



      "internalid": "2",      "name": "Annually"



      "internalid": "3",      "name": "Semi Annually"



  "saleschannels": "ALL",

  "audience": "EVERYONE",


I read on this doc that multiselect requires a special format to convert between NetSuite and Salesforce but I have tried this and the values are not mapped:

I have also tried using an #each as the values are in a collection but with no success.

And a straight {{duration-multi.name}} mapping does not work either.

Has anyone successfully mapped from MNS multi select to DSF multiselect?



1 comment
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  • David O'Neill

    Could you please raise a support ticket so our team can assist you further and provide a resolution?

    We’re here to help. Happy posting!


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