Configuring Zoho CRM Imports

There are a couple of minor bugs in the prebuilt Zoho connection that I wanted to raise.

They're minor because they can all be fixed by using the HTTP form.

Records API:

  • Path to error/path to success: Should be set to “data[0].status”
  • Error values: Should be set to “error”
  • Success values: Should be set to “success”

Records API using External ID:

  • The header “x-external” needs to be set with the name of the external id field, e.g., “Products.ProductExternalId”

Hopefully Celigo can make these settings the default in an upcoming release, but until then these can be worked around by making these adjustments on each import and export.



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  • Ezriah thanks for the feedback. Yes these are quick fixes and we'll get it updated soon.

  • Tyler Lamparter Glad to hear you're on top of it.

    On a similar note, do you have any idea if you are planning on updating with the latest Zoho API versions? They are up to v7 currently, but the prebuilt connector only goes up to v2. Fortunately, they all use the same domain, so again it is easy to work around using the HTTP form, but it would still be nice to have them on the “official” form.

  • Ezriah that should be quite doable as well.

  • Hi Ezriah,

    Regarding Issue 1: It is not necessary to specify the success/error path and values in this case since the success/error path and values are being used when the API response gives a 200 status code for both fail and pass cases. However, ZohoCRM already gives different status codes based on errors, like 400 and 401. 

    Regarding Issue 2: The header appears to be an optional field. Currently, our platform does not support optional headers. However, if we still want to have a header, then we need to define it as a mandatory header, but Zoho CRM doesn't mention it as mandatory since it's an optional field. We have already raised a request to the platform team to address this optional header limitation, and a fix is expected to be available in a future release. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

  • Hi Sri Raj ,


    Thanks for taking the time to respond to my comments. I have a couple of clarifications below:

    Regarding issue 1, there are some circumstances in which Zoho responds with a 202 code despite an error in the response body, for instance when attempting to create a duplicate record.

    Regarding issue 2, Zoho is a little unusual in how it structures its external endpoints, and while it's technically “options”, I don't think treating it as an optional header is appropriate in this case. Zoho describes “records API” and “records API using external id” as two different endpoints in their documentation, and this is followed in However, in reality, the path to these endpoints is identical. The only distinction is that “records API using external id” includes the “x-external” header and the other does not. Thus, including it as an optional header would, I think, cause confusion as it is actually “required” for one endpoint, but if it is left out, the request will actually go to a different endpoint. I would suggest you continue ignoring it on the “records API” endpoint, but mark it as required on the “records API using external id”. There could be a field just below the “name” field called, e.g., “Api name of external id field”, which would populate the value of this header, in the same way as the “name” field populates the url path with the module name.


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