Update Project Attributes in Acumatica
I am working on a custom flow that will update a “project attribute" on the project record in Acumatica and I am struggling to find the correct way to identify the specific field to update.
I found the attributes table on the project record but I cannot figure out how to get the import mapping to update a specifc row in the attributes table that is on the project record.
Has anyone had success updating a project attribute using Celigo and could offer some insights?
I tested this in a demo account we have and was able to get the flow to successfully execute.
1) I first used a flow to just pull the info from Acumatica and expanded the Attributes properties in order to get the AttributeID to be updated
2) On my import where I am updating the Project I added mappings for the attribute field I wanted to update. Note that in my example I hardcoded values but you can map to whatever you need with the source data
3) I then executed the flow and it completed successfully.
4) In order to double check it I pulled the record via API and could then see the value in the attribute field that was mapped had been set/updated
Please give that a try and let us know if you have any additional questions.
Thank You,
K.Izer, thank you so much.
You have no idea how much time you just saved me (as well as saving my head from being smacked on my desk).
That worked perfectly and I had not even thought to use Mapper 2.0 as everything I have done so far with Acumatica was using Mapper 1.0.
I am still recently new to Celigo and Acumatica so this was very helpful.
Thank you, thank you!!
Glad it helped.
Here is an example of what it would look like if you were wanted to use mapper 1.0
Thank you,
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