Post Submit hook to return created record Id
AnsweredWe are using a flow to create a custom object record from NetSuite to Zendesk, we would like to get the record Id we created in the same flow using a Post Submit hook, can we get an example for this script?
for example - NetSuite customer to Zendesk organization is using 'updateOrganizationIdInNetSuite'
PostSubmitHook function contract looks like following :
/* * postSubmitFunction: * * The name of the function can be changed to anything you like. * * The function will be passed an 'options' argument and a callback argument. * The first argument 'options' has the following structure: { bearerToken: '', _importId: '', _connectionId: '', _integrationId: '', _flowId: '', preMapData: [], postMapData: [], responseData: [], settings: {}, configuration: {} } * 'bearerToken' - a one-time bearer token which can be used to invoke selected API routes. * '_importId' - the _importId of the import for which the hook is defined. * '_connectionId' - the _id of the connection linked to the import for which the hook is defined. * '_integrationId' - the _id of the integration linked to the import for which the hook is defined. * '_flowId' - the _id of the flow linked to the import for which the hook is defined. * 'preMapData' - an array of records representing the page of data before it was mapped. An individual record can be an object {}, or an array [] depending on the data source. * 'postMapData' - an array of records representing the page of data after it was mapped. An individual record can be an object {}, or an array [] depending on the data source. * 'responseData' - an array of responses for the page of data that was submitted to the import application. An individual response will have the following structure: { statusCode: 200/422/403, errors: [], ignored: true/false, id: '', _json: {}, dataURI: '' } * 'statusCode' - 200 is a success. 422 is a data error. 403 means the connection went offline (typically due to an authentication or incorrect password issue). * 'errors' - [{code: '', message: '', source: ''}] * 'ignored' - true if the record was filtered/skipped, false otherwise. * 'id' - the id from the import application response. * '_json' - the complete response data from the import application. * 'dataURI' - if possible, a URI for the data in the import application (populated only for errored records). * 'settings' - a container object for all the SmartConnector settings associated with the integration (applicable to SmartConnectors only). * 'configuration' - an optional configuration object that can be set directly on the import resource (to further customize the hooks behavior). * * The function needs to call back with the following arguments: * 'err' - an error object to signal a fatal exception and will fail the entire page of records. * 'responseData' - the responseData array provided by options.responseData. The length of the responseData array MUST remain unchanged. Elements within the responseData array can be modified to enhance error messages, modify the complete _json response data, etc... */ myPostSubmitFunction = function (options, callback) { return callback(err, returnResponseData) }
Note that if you wish to use the created record Id further, you can tie the import with another export/import on the IO in the same flow. Response data is available along with the id for further processing.0 -
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