
Field mapping basic question

Doesn't seem to be a very active forum, but I'll take a shot. Here's a few questions:

  1. In mapping drop down lists, if I don't see the field I need, can I just type it in, e.g. for NS: customer.externalid? (Only shows internal id on the list)
  2. On the SalesForce opportunity export, can I use syntax like the following to get at the Quote line item? : primaryquote.quoteline[*].description
  3. How does one set filters for records on the Intergrator Connector App?

Thanks much!




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  • Official comment

    Hi James,

    Pls see below:

    1. Yes, you can directly type in the API name for the field if you don't see in the dropdown. For the "External Id" field specifically, pls note that the Integration App already has logic built-in into the code to set a defined format for each appropriate NetSuite record type to prevent de-duplication of records and you not need to map this explicitly in mappings.  

    2. Once a quote is marked primary, the quote lines should mirror the opportunity lines. You should be able to map the Opportunity lines directly. Does this address your use case or is there something else you were looking to achieve?

    3. Here's an example on how to do this: We will also be adding a separate article in our Knowledge base.

  • Thank you for your response, although I could have used the comment a few months ago! But here is the issue with the quote on CPQ. The quote lines have detailed product descriptions with customer specifications, and uses some html markup for formatting. The Opp Product line does not have this description, which is crucial.

  • Hi James, 

    We believe you have built a custom flow in with a script to remove the html tags, to achieve your use case. 

    Some of our customers do not use the description field in quote lines. Instead, they use new Notes feature in Salesforce to sync descriptions with rich text and html tags. We are working on an enhancement to sync enhanced Notes as HTML files in NetSuite. 

    You may also check if that option works for you when it is available (tentatively Q3 2020). 


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