Celigo.io and Netsuite File Cabinet
AnsweredWe need to grab files from our Netsuite File Cabinet and push them to SFTP. We have .io, and are wondering what the options are? I don't see an available RESTlet for File Cabinet when we use the Netsuite Connector and choose "Blob keys" in the export dialog. Is there some native means of doing this in Celigo, or would it be best to just turn on REST in Netsuite and use API calls?
Official comment
You need to build a saved search that returns a list of file ids you want to send to SFTP as your starting point. You can see an example of this scenario in the "NetSuite - FTP" template tile listed in our marketplace for NetSuite: (https://integrator.io/pg/marketplace/netsuite).
Good question! Would like to see the answer myself.
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