Ability to reproduce an error when error is resolved by mistake




  • Official comment
    viliandy leonardo Product Management Director


    We have released a new error management feature that allows you to search or filter for errors. See https://docs.celigo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048814732-Upgrade-to-Error-Management-2-0#tools

    Currently, the new error management feature is available only for a DIY account and sometime in Q1 2021, the new feature will be soon available for accounts that have Integration App license. Watch the release notes for the announcement.

    Thank you

  • viliandy leonardo Product Management Director

    Hi Annie Link

    Thank you for submitting your idea!

    We are working on a new approach to error management. The first iteration of this error management will have new user interface and many features, one of which is an ability to view resolved error and re-run resolved error to regenerate the error. 



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