Sync Account Owner <-> Sales Rep




  • Official comment
    Docs Support

    Hi Damon, 

    We believe you added Owner fields in additional data to export from Lookup fields and were able to successfully map it. 

    Yes, there is no default mapping in SFNSIO. 


  • METER Group
    Celigo University Level 1: Skilled

    I would also like to do this with IO.  Our sales people are complaining that the Connector login (me) is the owner of all their accounts, and thus gets all commissions on sales to those accounts.

  • Fae Peralta

    Hi can you please share how to do this with detailed instructions and hopefully screenshots?  Thanks in advance!

  • Damon Betlow

    Here is what we added to the Salesforce Account to NetSuite Customer sync, under Settings > Additional Data to export from Lookup fields.

    We then set the mapping for Owner.FederationIdentifier <> Sales Rep (InternalId) as such.  We used this instead of Owner.Email, but if you don't have SSO, you can use Owner.Email.

  • Damon Betlow

    Going the other way (NetSuite to Salesforce), we used <> Owner ID.

  • METER Group
    Celigo University Level 1: Skilled

    Thank you Damon - that is very clear.

    Did you have to change the OOB configuration for names in either SF or NS?  I get nothing when I try to search on Full Name because NS name is formatted 'Last, First' and SF is 'First Last'.  The only field option I can find in NS is

    Also, I'm guessing that configuring/using portals is a prereq to see the field 'Is Portal Enabled'?

    Thank you,


  • METER Group
    Celigo University Level 1: Skilled

    Sorry I meant to also say that the SF to NS direction works fine,  It is only in the NS to SF direction that I cannot get the right fields to make a successful lookup.

  • Damon Betlow

    I take it you don't see Full Name under the Salesforce search lookup?  We don't have any custom Salesforce formula field for this on the User object, so I'm guessing it is part of the Celigo IO app...  

    If you don't use a 'Community/Portal', you wouldn't need the other field.  We ran into an issue where a community user had the same name as our internal sales rep.

  • METER Group
    Celigo University Level 1: Skilled

    I do have Full Name under the salesforce Search lookup.  When I pull from the NS field '', its value is 'Anderson, Katie', and the search yields no results. (excerpt from Retry Data, below)

    "salesrep": {
        "name": "Anderson, Katie",
        "internalid": "367"

    If in the Lookup I hardcode the value to 'Katie Anderson' (see below) then the Salesforce search works just fine and returns the SF User ID.

    It appears the problem is how SF consolidates the name values for 'Full Name'. Do you remember how you got past this?  It sounds almost like it just worked for you by default...

  • Damon Betlow

    We aren't using the Last Name first option in NetSuite under General Preferences, so our name show as First Name Last Name.

    NetSuite Help Center

  • METER Group
    Celigo University Level 1: Skilled

    Thank you - that is super helpful!  So, now we are  investigating the impact of making that change to preferences.  I had thought that checkbox would only affect the display, and not the way the data is stored in a record.


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