FAQ: What’s in “Developer mode” for me?
Q. I notice that certain menu items in Celigo videos, website, Help center, and presentations don’t appear when I sign in to my integrator.io account. Am I missing something? How can I get access to these features?
A. You’re mostly likely referring to menu options enabled when Developer mode is turned on. As long as you have Manager access to the account, you can switch to Developer mode under My profile (the button on the avatar at the top right).
Developer mode opens up the following menu items:
- Resources > Scripts: A library of your custom JavaScript code that you can use and reuse for hooks, filters, transforms, and more.
- Resources > Stacks: Simple server environments used to host code – written in any language – that you can invoke via HTTP. Stacks are useful for hosting routines for your hooks, wrappers, connector installers, and settings pages.
- Custom settings (throughout integrator.io flows, connections, exports, and imports): Fields where you can define additional attributes that can then be accessed within custom forms and the logic of your flows.
And, special to Celigo integrator.io community members:
- [COMING SOON] My APIs: Custom HTTP endpoints written as JavaScript functions in integrator.io, which you can then invoke synchronously in a client application. For example, you’ll be able to run flows on demand without interacting with integrator.io or scheduling them in advance, based on your own programmatic logic.
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