UPDATED: NetSuite bundle updates for 20038 bundle temporarily paused (NetSuite assistant does not launch)



  • Sean O'Hare

    We are on Chrome Version 88.0.4324.182 (Official Build) (64-bit) please advise how to 'work around' this in testing directly in an integration job.


  • Kate Larson Senior UX Researcher Community moderator

    Thanks for your post, Sean O'Hare. I see you have an open support ticket on this as well. We have discovered an issue with the 20038 bundle and our working to resolve it. Can you please let me know your NS account ID so that we can prioritize your account for updates?

  • Kate Larson Senior UX Researcher Community moderator

    Moderator Note: To prevent confusion, two similar articles on this topic were merged. Customers who expressed need for the bundle on the removed article ("UPDATED: NetSuite assistant NetSuite bundle update delay") included:

    • Juan Romualdo reported that using an alternate browser (Edge) resolves the issue for now
    • Huajing Li reported that it was working now.
    • Michael Buhrley reported issues after the bundle was updated.


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