Add delay function
In order to contend with back-end database replication, processing time or race conditions, sometimes it is helpful to have a small delay between a write function and a subsequent read function.
Currently the recommended way to delay between an import and update is to inject an arbitrary API call. This generates unnecessary load on the target system and can result in an unpredictable amount of delay.
It would be helpful to have a block that can be injected in a custom flow with a controllable amount of delay time.
Jeff Dollard
Thank you submitting the idea. The idea has been captured in our product backlog for future consideration (IO-19333).
We have numerous flows with convoluted "retry" logic to work around race conditions, or order of operations (trying to save sales order before customer has been saved) A delay block with an optional search and timeout would be great. For 10 minutes run this search every 15 seconds and if results are returned, exit the delay.
We would also find this feature useful. We have a source system that triggers a webhook, but the data is often not in it's final state until 10-15 seconds later, so if we query it too early it is bad data. The delay would allow us to eliminate a bunch of work arounds and manual error handling.
We would insert the delay immediately after receiving the webhook for "order created", wait 15-20 seconds, then perform order lookup to get all of the order data and pass it through the rest of the flow.
I would also like to use this feature. I have numerous flows that would benefit from this.
Same here, I would also like to have this function.
Has there been any progress on this? I would love this feature.
I've been trying to use a call to the following:
but it doesn't work since can't handle requests and my redirect requires authentication.
Upvoted as well
Hi zachary Miller, Edward McQuinn, Michael Ng, and Vegamour Ekwani!
Thank you so much for letting us know that this is important to you! Since we unfortunately can't see the people who upvote the original post (click the up arrow on the original post), this is very helpful. Did you click the up arrow? It looks like we currently have 17 upvotes. If you didn't, and could, that would be great. I'll let the PM know how popular this is!
I'm definitely upvoting this enhancement. I could really use it right now.
José Díaz Hernández I just submitted this to the new enhancement portal. Hopefully, they will add it to the planned list of updates.
Courtney Jordan - Tagged for visibility.
What is the enhancement called? I cannot find it in the product portal. I need this function as well.
We have one with this name - Pause and Resume flow: Add time delay.
Great, thank you.
Is my email publicly visible on the product portal? If so, is it possible to only display my name?
Jared Fraley it's not publicly visible.
Justin Bodin
Thank you for the confirmation, it showed my email after I added an upvote and I got worried.
Has there been an update? I have the same problem. I need to delay the flow after a lookup that creates a new account and returns the id and before an import which uses the returned id to update another system. Please let me know if there's been an update in Celigo to use a built in method to delay the process to avoid a race condition where the call to the second import is made before the first is completed and because the id isn't available the second import call fails. Thanks!
Hello Bahman Ashtari,
I hope you are doing well...!
We don’t currently have a built-in way in the product to add a time dealy after a flow step. But, we have a feature in the backlog that will let you add a time delay after a flow step. Our team is currently working on other high-priority developments, thus we will not be able to give this feature priority until Q1 2024 (tentatively March, 2024). As things change, I’ll keep you informed.
Thank you,
- Pridhvi
Everyone following this thread and wanting a time delay mechanism - this request is on the Celigo product board.
You can up-vote it here:
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