Not planned
Difference between CR LF, LF and CR line break types?
Carriage Return (MAC pre-OSX)
- CR
- \r
- ASCII code 13
Line Feed (Linux, MAC OSX)
- LF
- \n
- ASCII code 10
Carriage Return and Line Feed (Windows)
- \r\n
- ASCII code 13 and then ASCII code 10
If you see ASCII code in a strange format, they are merely the number 13 and 10 in a different radix/base, usually base 8 (octal) or base 16 (hexadecimal).
HiShubham Kaila,
Are you not seeing a difference in these characters in your records currently? Thank you for your help!
Shubham Kaila Could you please clarify what the problem is for this enhancement request. This reads more like a question than an idea for new product enhancement.
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