Shopify Refund sync with dummy/default item


I want to sync refunds from Shopify to NetSuite with dummy/default item.

Is there any way to set default item in Integration App?



Date Votes
  • Hi Stephen,

    From onwards, I will try to sit near intelligent students like you. :)
    Thank you so much for the great explanation & for helping me in resolving the issue.

  • Hello, bhagyesh chandak.

    It helps to sit near the smart students in the class. I believe we have a complete, tested answer for you. 

    See the suggested import mapping for this flow:

    All refunded line items in this example will default to the same item with internal ID "57131." 

    So, if you use the same item in the substitute item settings, you can select it accordingly. Otherwise, the same item selected in the Advanced setting will be used only for the substitute line items (like Custom Refund).


  • Glad we could help. (Of course, I was referring to the Celigo house Shopify brain trust, whom I won't embarrass by name.)


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