FAQ: Why do I get an invalid search operator error if I use “equal to” to filter saved search results?

Q: I’m trying to return results from a saved search. I’ve checked that my saved search works without adding additional search criteria, but I’d like to return only IDs of 500. I’ve tried using the equal to operator, but get an error when previewing the data: sss_invalid_srch_operator.

A: Saved search results are parsed as a string by integrator.io, so you can’t use any math operators such as equal to or greater than, as these are considered invalid. Try using is instead. There are several other operators that support string matches that are available in this Operator drop-down: is empty, is not empty, starts with, contains, does not contain, has key words and does not start with. Other advanced field editors, such as for filters, support other math and string operators. Here is a list of Netsuite search operators and the data types they support. Remember that integrator.io does not support every one of these operators.




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  • Are there any docs available that explain how "has key words" works? I've tried with comma seperated and using OR to separate words to search for but neither seems to work as expected.


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