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  • Official comment

    IO platform now natively supports following 3rd party JavaScript modules :  day.js and sjcl 
    Read the following articles to understand more on how it works. 

  • This would be awesome. I've needed moment.js so many times, but have had to find non-ideal functions to work around.

  • lodash!

  • Jeffery Hill Steve Klett if you had to choose between using external libraries like moment.js or Lodash versus being able to more easily reuse your own JS code across your scripts, what would your preference be?


  • Matt Graney - Good question. Ideally we could have an NPM package.json style configuration and pull in standard packages as well as our own published libraries (as packages), this is how our NetSuite SuiteScript development is done and it's great. But that's not what you asked... to answer your question I'd probably choose my own code reuse because I could compile a minified combined library file with moment, lodash, etc.


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