FAQ: How can I manage jobs that are creating a bottleneck in the queue?
Question: I have multiple jobs for NetSuite integrations that are creating a bottleneck in my queue. How can I alleviate this problem?
Answer: To manage jobs that are creating a bottleneck in the queue, create separate connections for each of your integration tiles.
The best strategy is to clone the entire integration tile (which will give you the option to use an existing connection or create a new one). Create a new connection and give it a unique name. You can use the previously existing NetSuite token ID and secret, but you still need to create a new NetSuite connection object within integrator.io. Using multiple connection objects should alleviate the queue bottlenecking you've been experiencing, since now each connection object will have its own queue. For more information on cloning, see Clone integrations and flows.
You can also set NetSuite concurrency levels, but you must verify that the total number of all of your NetSuite concurrency levels in integrator.io doesn't exceed the maximum allowed by NetSuite. For more information on concurrency levels, see Assign concurrency levels to data transfer.
Tom's advice is solid and you may also want to check if you have one long running import that's causing the issue. If that's the case, you can make a new connection manually and assign it to the offending NetSuite import. Can can also oversubscribe your concurrency in NetSuite a little. You probably won't have all your jobs running at the same time at max concurrency. Keep an eye on the Concurrency Monitor in NetSuite.
I implemented the cloned connections solution quite some time ago, and it seemed to resolve the queue waiting issue. However, with recent product releases, the problem has returned. It looks like there is now only one queue in that only one flow runs at a time. This is becoming quite an issue for our company workflow. Any additional thoughts on another solution or what has changed?
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