Just how does "Overwrite taxes with Shopify Tax Amounts" work?
I'm investigating a problem of mismatched Shopify and NetSuite taxes on orders. We've configured the Celigo Shopify integration app to overwrite NetSuite's per-line taxes - we want the order in NetSuite to use the Shopify tax amount. Here is a screen shot of the settings in use.
I read the documentation located here: https://docs.celigo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003975112-Handling-order-sales-tax-in-NetSuite
This section:
The total tax is calculated for every item in an order and individual tax code and tax rate is displayed in every line as displayed in the following screen:
This sounds like exactly what I would expect it to do and looking at the screen shot in the documentation, it is calculating the effective tax rate based on what was charged in Shopify - perfect! But... this isn't happening in our integration for some reason.
Some additional points:
- On the orders that don't match, the eTail > eTail Tax Total Variance field is 0 (i.e. no variance).
- The sum of eTail Order Line Tax values equals the Shopify total tax amount
- To be clear: I'm not trying to make NetSuite's calculations match Shopify, I want to overwrite NetSuite's values with Shopify's values
I look forward to any details or insights anyone can provide. At this point it's difficult to investigate further not knowing what I should be expecting from the Celigo Shopify app.
Hi Steve Klett,
Thanks for writing in to let us know where we can clarify information in the UI and in documentation. I'm checking with our Shopify experts on this and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Hi Courtney,
I was meeting with my partner Dave and we (he) realized that I hadn't checked the Sales Order, rather I was focused on the Invoice. I had assumed the invoice would match the order, but it doesn't. The order looks correct and like what I would expect. The documentation is fine, now that I've realized I was looking in the wrong place it all seems just fine.
Should I delete this whole topic of leave it here for others?
Please leave it, Steve Klett - it's definitely helpful for others! We really appreciate you and Dave being so engaged in our community and providing troubleshooting advice to others! You're like honorary team members :).
Hi Steve Klett,
To address your expectation that the invoice would match the order, you can bypass NetSuite’s recalculation of the tax by using our Invoicing flow (found under the Billing section) where we will reuse the calculations from the Sales Order that we’d created through the Order flows. Let us know if that works!
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