TROUBLESHOOTING: When I receive partial inbound shipments in NetSuite, how can I exclude line items that are not received?



  • Martin Jahn Channel Partner
    Celigo University Level 1: Skilled

    Documentation is tough all around but here is what worked and allowed me to receive partial quantities on lines and selectively receive lines as well in my integration flow based on the lines passed in the source data:

    1. Date -> set as needed
    2. Inbound Shipment (Field ID:internalid) -> set to internal id of the Inbound Shipment you want to receive
    3. Items : Replace All Lines -> hard code to "true" so only the lines you pass are added to the receipt
    4. Items : Quantity to be Received -> the qty to receive
    5. Items : Receive -> hard code to "true' if all your source data lines have qty to be received
    6. Items : Item (InternalId) -> I needed to do a look up from the SKU (item name) passed by my external application
    7. Items : ID -> this is the line key from the Inbound Shipment (Items - Line Id is the field when doing a Saved Search on Inbound Shipments)

    I also added a custom record import as my first step to track the External ID's of the submitted 'Receive Inbound Shipment' to prevent duplicates being processed as there is no 'Receive Inbound Shipment' record created (it is essentially a virtual record that ultimately creates item receipts).

    Happy Integrating to you all!

  • Balasubramanian Mahadevan Community manager Senior Technical Writer
    Celigo University Level 2: Seasoned

    Martin Jahn thank you for the inputs! Much appreciated!!! Feedback like this helps us improve our documentation and improve the overall user experience. 


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