Shopify to NetSuite: Invoiced orders
We have installed an app in our Shopify store to allow wholesale orders (Charge Me Later).
This app creates "pay later" orders as Drafts. Can we allow Drafts to come over to NetSuite?
Alternatively, the app can push the "pay later" order to Orders with a status of "Payment pending." However, Celigo will not push those orders to NetSuite because they are Unauthorized.
Any suggestions on how we can get these orders into NetSuite?
Hi Holly,
You can use one of the Templates in the Marketplace to bring Draft Orders into NetSuite. The prebuilt template is for importing them as Quotes but it can easily modified to sync Draft Orders as Orders as well. Pls see the screenshot below.
Direct link:
Thank you
Regarding the other question I had.
Why are our Pending Payment orders coming through as Unauthorized?
We have the "Add pending payment orders into NetSuite" check box selected on the Settings for Orders.
Re: your second q, did you also configure the dependent setting "Shopify Payment Gateway Ids" to include the payment gateway id for "pay later"? You can find those ids using the article here:
Here's also an article on this setting that might help:
Were you able to get this working? We are in a similar situation. If we are using the Netsuite-Shopify integration app instead of the template, is it still possible to bring Shopify Draft Orders in as Netsuite Sales Orders? If not, how would we switch from the app to the template and what are the disadvantages of doing this?
Hi Vinay Sarda,
Yes. You can use the template to bring the draft orders from Shopify to NetSuite in parallel to using the Integration App. But, why do you intend to bring the Draft Orders in as Sales Orders in NetSuite? Switching from Integration App to the template would restrict you from using all other features you have currently in the Integration App.
I'm also happy to jump on a call if you want to discuss the use cases further.
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