HubSpot Deal Lookup Not Working
Looking for community assistance as I think this is a common enough setup that perhaps someone also has the same setup and can see if there's is configured differently.
I have a flow like so:
(1) Step 1 import HubSpot company data - also bring in the 'associated deals' parameter
(2) Step 2 lookup affiliated Hubspot deals.
Unfortunately, my step 2 is erroring out with a '404 not found' message when running.
Screenshot for step 1:
Step 1 sample data returned (with the deal data I am trying to get at identified in the red box):
Step 2 configuration:
It was recommended in office hours to set up step 2 as above. However, we didn't have time to run the flow in office hours, so I didn't realize it failed until after I left.
Any assistance would be so greatly appreciated! I have messed around with the 'path to many' part to no avail. Not sure if I am just missing something small somewhere. Perhaps my 'Deal Id' identifier of {{id}} is not fully correct? Really out of ideas!
Thanks for posting to the community, Ariel Browne! That's a good idea to try to get some more eyes on this from others with a similar HubSpot setup. Our customer support ninjas are actively working on your case too. When this is resolved please do post an update so others can benefit from your experience.
I learned from customer support that the following handlebar statement resolved this issue:
{{getValue "dealdata[0].properties.dealname" "defaultValue"}}
Hi Kate Larson,
I've made some progress.
In step 2:
Within the search parameters, I entered 'id' for 'ID Property' (because my deal unique identifier property is called 'id'. When I do that, the whole thing breaks.
So one problem down, but onto the next....
Now when I try to map any of the deal properties into NetSuite, they don't get imported into NetSuite, it's just blank🥲
I've brought my deal data into the results mapping for the lookup:
And I've mapped one of the deal properties into netsuite just to test it out, but unfortunately it doesn't work. I can map any of the Hubspot company properties to the NetSuite 'comments' but none of the deal ones:
Hey Ariel,
For your mapping into the Comments field, you'll need to use handlebars statements to create a single string out of your data.
I used our Dev Playground (available under Tools if you enable Developer Mode under My Account) to create the following:
So, here I'm looping through both levels of data to get to properties.pipeline and this ends up printing them out as a single string (in the bottom right).
The statement is: {{#each dealdata}}{{#each results}}{{properties.pipeline}}, {{/each}}{{/each}}
You should be able to just copy and paste that into the field where you currently have dealdata[*].results[*].properties.pipeline
Hi Lucian Hymer,
Unfortunately it is still mapping a 'null' value despite in the debugging log showing that data existing with that deal. Here is what I have now tried to no avail (all map as null in the debugger):
Any clue? I should note, that the actual mapping drop-down menu choice shows dealdata[*].results[*].properties.pipeline which is why I choose it originally.
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