
Add string.right Handlebar helper

Struggled with the syntax to define a helper signature... maybe:

right(string, number) : string

I just completed a requirement to only use the last n characters of a string, this is what it looks like :(

"value": "OUR_REF:
{{substring bill_of_lading
(subtract bill_of_lading.length
@root.settings.import.BOLRefLength) bill_of_lading.length}}"

It's not unlike what is needed for any language lacking left/right substring support, but it would be so much cleaner to be able to write:

"value": "OUR_REF:{{right bill_of_lading @root.settings.import.BOLRefLength}}"

UPDATE: I had to do this a few more times so I tried hacking the substring helper and found that an end index < start index will yield right semantics.

{{substring "Maiden Rules" 100 5}} -> "Rules"

I still think a right helper is needed, but thought I'd share this hack.



Date Votes
  • Thanks for the request, Steve Klett. Our product managers do monitor this channel and appreciate specific examples like you provided.

    To others reading this: Please "vote" on the enhancement if you agree and provide any additional feedback. We love to hear from you!

  • Hi Steve Klett,

    Thanks for sharing this. We see that whitespace and formatting is something that people can have a hard time with. We're looking at how we could make this easier to read and write. We're kind of limited since handlebars.js is a third-party tool, but we welcome other ideas on how we could make this easier!

  • Hi Courtney,

    If you are referring to my comment

    Struggled with the syntax to define a helper signature... maybe:

    I only meant I was having a hard time coming up with a concise and clear syntax to describe the function I'm requesting; it's a problem with me and my little brain, not anything with Celigo. :)

  • Hello Steve, 

    Thank you for sharing the feedback. This sounds like a good enhancement to improve user experience. I have added this to the product backlog to keep track of it !!


    Best Regards


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