yesterday's timestamp for file names
I'm exporting a daily sales report for daily sales (pulled at 1AM the following morning). Im trying to get the file name to have yesterdays datestamp in order to correspond with the day of the sales.
Right now, i'm using DailySales_{{{timestamp "YYYY-MM-DD"}}}.csv --> but that's given me the day the report was pulled not the sales dates.
Hello tentree internal,
Thanks for posting your question.
Are you exporting this report from NetSuite? Also, have you seen these sections in the Handlebars helper reference:
Hi Kate Larson
I used the handlebar helper reference to get the datestamp - which helped get me this far, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the date stamp to subtract a day. I'm thinking I have to utilize something to do with the dateoffset “-86400000”. I'm new to coding so all of this is foreign language.
you are correct, it is a .csv export from Netsuite and transferring it to an FTP server where i want the filename to have yesterdays date stamped.
this mornings file which houses all of yesterdays sales is
DailySales_{{{timestamp "YYYY-MM-DD"}}}.csv --> DailySales_2021-03-16
I'm trying to get it to read DailySales_2021-03-15
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi tentree internal,
Since the date is in the sales records, have you considered pulling that value out of the data and using it for naming the file rather than doing the date math? If you register for an office hours session one of our solutions consultants can walk you through this.
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