preSave script or row grouping - what is the order of operations?
I'm trying to find a solution to grouping rows on an unsorted CSV export. I found an IIO bug that will cause grouping to fail for unsorted source data, to work around that I added a preSave script to sort the CSV data. I'm still not getting expected results and wondering if the script runs before the grouping IIO performs or the other way around?
Anyone know?
Celigo team: I run into a similar scenario where it's unclear where in the various types or methods of transformation a preview of data is coming from. At a minimum it would be handy if you published an order of operations document that showed the order (transformation, grouping, preMap, preSave, etc.) of operations.
Even cooler would be if the UI adopted a little breadcrumb like UI widget to show where in the graph of operations you're peeking at the data. Something like:
Data stage: Export > preSavePage > preSave > IIO Row Grouping > preMap
Where in that example you're editing a preSave script.
Official comment
Hey Steve,
As you discovered, data must be sorted to support our default grouping mechanism. I posted a method to group within a script in your other post.
As far as order of operations, we actually go in the order shown in the UI:
So, your grouping within the Export definition comes first. Then transforms, then filters, then hooks.
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