Can’t find new transaction line field in Celigo mapping



Beginner here. I have problems getting a Netsuite Transaction line field visible in the Celigo Import mapping tool. I can see the field in Netsuite on the opportunity form in the sublist items but I cannot get the field in the Celigo mapping. Refreshed the mapping in Celigo already (hitting reload icon top right). Any idea why i cant see my Items : X, field in Celigo?



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  • Official comment

    Hi Nuri,

    Thank you for reaching out!

    Assuming this is for an import mapping, you may also need to refresh the record type in the import step as well. When you first set the record type, caches the fields. In the import settings, click the "refresh" button to the right of the "Record Type" option. Once the list has been refreshed, re-select the record type (Opportunity) from the list, then Save & close the import step.

    Afterwards, open the mapping assistant and refresh the NetSuite fields there. The newly added field name should appear.

    Alternatively, you can always map directly to the field by manually typing in the internal field name value on the NetSuite side of the mapping assistant.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Dan, 

    Thank you for your reply.

    I tried refresh using the reload button, this does not work even after a day waiting.

    However using the internal field ID did work: item[*].custcol_mycustcol.


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