NetSuite Landed Cost Mapping



  • Kate Larson Senior UX Researcher Community moderator

    Hristina Bendeva,
    Sorry for the belated acknowledgement, but thank you for posting your challenge to the community. It looks like you are currently working with Celigo Support on a resolution. When that is complete, we would greatly appreciate you posting an update here.

  • LYSI Consulting

    Hi, has there been any status updates on resolution?  We are facing the same issue with no resolve.  Would love to know if this has been solved.


  • Hristina Bendeva NetSuite Integration Whiz
    Awesome Follow-up
    Celigo University Level 4: Legendary

    Hello LYSI Consulting

    We have found a solution to this problem:

    1. Since my Role "Celigo Full Access w/o 2FA [Locked]" was locked, I have replicated same Role and created new one from this Role.
    2. In the new created Role I have enabled "ENABLE ESTIMATED LANDED COST" checkbox.
    3. After that I have updated Account in NetSuite that have Administrator privilegies and grand access to the new created Role from step#2.
    4. Create Access Token with updated Administrator user from step#3 with new created Role from step#2.
    5. Create new NS Connection with generated Token ID and Token Secret from step#4.
    6. In the mapping to NetSuite you need to map the "Landed Cost per Line" and "Items : Calculate Est. Landed Cost" fields with hardcoded value to "true"


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