Tax Code For Canadian Orders


We have a client who is trying to apply Tax Codes for Canadian (and UK) Shopify orders. The US orders are working correctly. The IA orders tax is setup to use:  Option 3: Add total tax against a single line item on the order (

The Canadian orders are getting the following post submit hook error:

"Unable to create the order in NetSuite for the Shopify order #3985160044713 Failed to save record because Invalid Canadian Tax Code: Shopify Tax Code"

My understanding is that the US needs a single line item while the Canadian orders require tax at the line level. Is there a way the IA flow can be configured to address both scenarios?





Date Votes
  • Hello Zachary Oliver

    Actually, selecting the Tax option as "Add total tax against a single line item on the order" shouldn't cause any issue for other domain Orders. 

    Can you please confirm what is the option selected for this setting. If it is already selected, then the setup is as expected for both the domain orders. 

    And for the "Tax Code" error you are getting, Can you confirm if haven't added any explicit mapping for the particular field i.e., "Shopify Tax Code". And as well, if you can try adding the particular order from NetSuite UI, can you please check if NetSuite is returning any Canadian Tax Code by default based on the Nexus added in NetSuite. 

    Please review and let us know if anything is required. 

  • We have a similar issue here. Shipping to both Canada and the United Sates. We've selected our default tax code internal ID which is associated with the United States.  As a result, our Canada orders are producing a failure.  Seems we need a default tax code for the US as well as one for Canada but we're unable to do that.   Any suggestions?

  • Your error almost seems to be related to what Shopify is passing through in general. But to provide insight on this topic, what I did was create a multi-field expression based on the Country_Code=CA using the InternalId of the Tax Code on the line-level specific to each Province. The Import field is item[*].taxcode.internalid.  See below - hope it helps!

    {{#compare shipping_address.country_code "==" "CA"}}{{#compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "AB"}}1830{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "BC"}}1837{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "MB"}}1871{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "NB"}}1841{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "NL"}}1844{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "NS"}}1850{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "NT"}}1853{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "NU"}}1856{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "ON"}}1859{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "PE"}}1862{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "QC"}}1865{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "SK"}}1847{{else compare shipping_address.province_code "==" "YT"}}1868{{else}}540{{/compare}}{{else}}{{/compare}}

  • We are seeing the error in eBay and BigCommerce integrations as well for Canada.  They were working for many months and recently we've seen the issue.  Any updates?

  • Updating our progress, I am still working with Celigo support and we are looking into a before submit SuiteScript within NetSuite to set the value by line when the order is from Canada.

    I believe the issue is related to the default tax code setting. I will update this thread if the SuiteScript solution works.


  • We were able to find a solution through Celigo support.  This required a customer mapping formula in the Shopify Export Field for the NetSuite Tax Item:

    {{#compare addresses.0.country_code '==' 'CA'}}xxx1{{else}}xxx2{{/compare}}

    Note, xxx2 is our chosen US Default tax code or group when no match is found in NetSuite.   xxx1 is the Canadian tax item in NetSuite.   



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