HTTP Connection - Custom Authorization Header
I have a an HTTP Connection that needs a Custom 'Authorization' Header in the form of:
'Authorization': 'Token <token>'
This works fine in postman.
In IO, I don't believe I can use the Token Auth as the Authentication Type with the 'Token '
When I try to include extra characters before the handlebar expression ('Token {{connection.http.encrypted.token}}') I get an error relating to not being able to find the key:
Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'brick' in ******"
I also tried setting the http.connection.encrypted.token value to include the 'Token ' prefix. In this case I get an error that the token cannot contain a space.
I don't believe there is a handlebar to concat strings, and even so I think I would get the same token containing a space error.
Any thoughts appreciated!
Not saying this will work... but you could try the Join helper.
{{join " " "Token" http.connection.encrypted.token}}
I'm not sure if the connection token is available in that context or not. That helper in the dev playground gives the output you want.
Thanks David Gollom, I forgot there was a JOIN helper.
At first, IO wasn't pulling the field at all and would just send "Token". After playing around with IO being finicky, I noticed that somehow the encrypted fields were getting corrupted when I changed other settings. So I re-entered the encrypted token and updated the settings in one go and the connection now seems to be working.
Good to know you got it working!!
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