Shopify Partially Refund left Tax Invoice Open after order is completely fulfilled


We have an issue with Tax invoice left open when an order is completely fulfiled after partially refund from Shopify

For example: when we partially refund $100 on an unfulfilled order without selecting any item or shipping

In Netsuite we will have the following records:

  • Sale Orders
  • Customer Deposit
  • 1st Deposit Application (for only $100)
  • Customer Refund (for only $100)

After this order is completely fulfilled

  • 2nd Deposit Application (for the whole order)
  • Tax invoice (for the whole order) but the status is "Open" and ask to "Accept Payment"

Is there any chance to automatically accept the payment which was in the 1st Deposit Application?

Thank you so much for your help



Date Votes
  • Hello Kim Hoang Nguyen

    Thanks for writing to us. Actually, we already have identified this scenario and being tracked as a valid enhancement request to the product. Unfortunately there is no alternate solution through which you can fix this issue. We will get this added to the product in the upcoming releases. You will also be notified through release notes whenever it is included in the product. 

    Please let us know if anything is required. 


    any update on enhancement

  • Hello Ruth Jeter

    We are internally discussing on this tracker and getting more details on the expectations of this enhancement and post which we will try for tagging it to one of the upcoming releases. We will keep you posted once we have more updates.

    Please let us for any other queries. 

  • I see 2 years have passed without any knowledge if this has been tackled with the product.



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