Dreaming of Expressions in output transformations....
I really, REALLY wish we could have expressions in Transformations. There are so many scenarios where we could avoid scripts or downstream complex expressions if only we could use expressions in an export/lookup transformation. For example:
- Extracting a substring from a record ID that is used in numerous places downstream. Currently I need to either script this if I want to have an easy to use property or I need to duplicate {{substring}} or {{regexMatch}} expressions in multiple places. It would be far superior to have a transformation:
{{regexMatch record.id "[AF]-\d+" "ig"}} -> recordIdStripped
- Un-arraying data in a single element array:
{{interestingStuffInArray.0}} -> interestingStuff
Anyone else want this? It's such an obviously valuable feature that I can only assume it must be difficult to implement or else we'd have it. Correct assumption? Can anyone from Celigo comment if this feature is on the raodmap and if so, when? Please? :)
Steve Klett, I'm the product manager in the platform team at Celigo. Thank you for sharing the feedback. I don't think we have this feature in the roadmap today but the problems (use cases) that you have shared are what I have been hearing from some customers in recent interactions with them. I definitely see the value and improvement in UX if we solve these problems. I will reach out to you over email regarding this request and dig deeper into some of these problems in building flows.
Thank you!
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