Compare dates in filter
How can I use an arbitrary date in the Argument #2 field for this filter expression? This produces an error message: "Message: Argument #2 for operation greaterthanequals is a different data type: string." I have selected Data Type "Date Time" from the settings box for Argument #2 with no luck.
Hi Chris Hunter,
Sorry for the delay on this. We are looking into it to determine if this is an issue we need to fix. Will hopefully have this info by tomorrow. Thanks so much for letting us know that you've run into this issue, and please continue to let us know what else we can do to improve your experience!
Hi Chris Hunter,
First, set your data type to Expression if you haven't already. To do so, click the gear icon next to the last field (hover to the right of the field to display it).
Then, set your filters like this:
Please let us know if that works for you! Thanks!
Courtney Jordan Is there a way to compare two dates (a last updated date and the current date/time for example) and get a difference in minutes in a filter? Much like the dateAdd in handlebars but for a filter?
Hi Daniel P,
Filter syntax via the filter editor is very limited and uses a cumbersome syntax:
Orion Abrams (one of our Senior Engineers), suggested you instead use a preSave page hook and use something like this to get what I think you are looking for:
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