Introduce Yourself

We're so happy you're here! Please take a minute to introduce yourself. For example, what industry do you work in? What applications do you use in your ecosystem? Do you consider yourself a developer or business user? What types of integrations and flows have you built? Thanks!



Date Votes
  • Hello, I just stumbled upon this community, I didn't realize Celigo was trying to get something like this started. I'm an L4 Certified Celigo specialist working from Houston, specializing in eCommerce (BigCommerce/WooCommerce/Amazon to and from NetSuite)

  • Welcome to the Community, Geoff Tipley! I added your profile photo and Celigo University badges.

  • Hi folks - I just completed Celigo Liftoff and am a day away from my first Quickstart session. My company rolled out Workato some years ago, and it's now managed by consultants, but we are migrating to Celigo and it's the job of my team and I (well,  the two of us) to make this happen. For endpoints, we'll use Netsuite, Salesforce, Atlassian Jira, UKG Pro, Google Workspace, Slack…and we'll see what we can do after that. I am not a developer - more of a sysadmin, managing Google Workspace and company platforms, but I can tell that Celigo will pull me in a very new direction.

  • Hi Andrew Sternick 
    Thanks a lot for introducing yourself! Sorry for our delay in getting to your wonderful post!
    Congratulations on completing Celigo Liftoff! 
    Welcome! We're so happy that you are a part of the Celigo user community. 


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