Adding files to subfolders or sub-buckets in Amazon S3

This post applies to users importing data into Amazon S3.

You can drop a file into a subfolder or sub-bucket in S3 using a forward slash in the file key.

First, select your region. Your region is the nearest Amazon S3 region to the location from where the request is being made. If not set, by default "us-east-1" is selected.

Region: {US East (Ohio) [us-east-2]}

Next, write your bucket name.

Bucket name: {S3-bucket-name}

Finally, define the folder name along with the file name, timestamp, and file extension. The timestamp can be added so the output file is always unique.

Build file key: 

{folder_name}/{file_name}{{timestamp YYYY-MM-DDHHss}.{file_extension}

Your final input should be as follows:

Bucket name: S3-bucket-name

Build file key: folder_name/file_name{{timestamp YYYY-MM-DDHHss}}.{file_extension}




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