
My API runVirtual error - Export type

I received the following error when I run My API : 

The Export which you are trying to create is of type sandbox but it has
Connection reference with _id: 5***************************3 which is not of type sandbox.
I understand the error but where can I specify the export type? I am using this example Link.
Find below the definition of the dynamic export : 
 NSObject = {
    "_connectionId": "5e9de3074242783b222f56e0",
    "netsuite": {
      "type": "restlet",
      "skipGrouping": true,
      "statsOnly": false,
      "restlet": {
        "recordType": "invoice",
        "searchId": "6763",
        "criteria": [
            "field": "amount",
            "operator": "greaterthan",
            "searchValue": <amount>, // Use param received from request
      "distributed": {
        "disabled": false,
        "forceReload": false,
        "executionContext": [
        "executionType": [
    "adaptorType": "NetSuiteExport"


Date Votes
  • NetSuite 01

    Are you trying to run the MyAPI on sandbox or production? The error suggests that you try to create an export in Sandbox but the _ConnectionId points to the one created in non sandbox environment. Could you try to use the id of a connection created in the sandbox?


  • Hey Viliandy,

    Thanks for the quick response. Indeed that was the issue (I created the MyAPI in sandbox but it shows in production as well, hence this confusion) . Beside, do you have any example of exports.runVirtualWithPaging? I cannot find any example in help center. I get an error paged export is not supported for this export configuration.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi NetSuite 01

    Pagination is not currently supported for exports.runVirtualWithPaging. That enhancement is in our backlog for future development. Would you be able to share your use case/needs/problems that you plan to solve ?

    Thank you

  • Hi NetSuite 01, the proposed enhancement is planned for our upcoming release v8.2.1.0, Feb. 2022. 
     exports.runVirtualWithPaging() will support NetSuite restlet exports that needs pagination.




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