Import files to the filecabinet in netsuite
I am trying to import files into the file cabinet from an ftp. Specifically I am trying to import images, and I cannot get the folder name set correctly for Netsuite. How do I identify folder names in netsuite? Also, how do I use handlebars to get the filenames from the ftp?
btw for anyone that ends up looking for something like this you have to do {{record.fileMeta.fileName}}
Ross - you need to use the internal id of the folder.
thats great, thank you. What about the filename? In the FTP preview of the connection, it doesnt show any file meta data for the files, so I am unsure what should be here. the files are named approprioately, and I guess it should be a handlebars helper, but nothing obvious stands out
Ive tried {{fileMeta.fileName}} (bc that object is specified in the retry data), and {{this.fileMeta.fileName}}, and fileName on its own.
keep getting errors like this:
"Failed to generate from template: {{fileName}}. Details: \"fileName\" not defined in the model. - 1:2."
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