Another example where the new UI is failing me




  • Official comment
    Akhilesh Goyal Product Manager
    Answer Pro
    Great Answer

    Hello Steve,

    I wanted to let you know with the latest release, you will have the option to choose the time format you want to see in the IO. User can set this option in "My Profile" section, You can read more details about this change in this Article.

     I would like to thank you again for this valuable feedback! 

    Akhilesh Goyal

  • Bas van Ditzhuijzen Strategic Partner NetSuite Integration Whiz Salesforce Integration Whiz
    Partner Implementation Certification
    Great Answer
    Answer Pro
    Celigo University Level 4: Legendary

    Hey now we might have lost the possibility to see what exactly is happening when, but at instead of that we've got these super insightful charts 😂


    All jokes aside you are completely correct that investigating flow history is made pointlessly difficult by the new EM2.0 interface. I would really like to know from Celigo why the old dashboard needed to be removed. It's really a huge step backwards in functionality.

  • viliandy leonardo Product Management Director
    Answer Pro
    Top Contributor

    Steve Klett 

    Steve, we are working on an option to change the display format of date/time field to show the exact date/time. This is currently planned for the next platform update (target release is Feb 2022). 

    We value users' feedback, so please don't hesitate to share what's not working. 

    Thank you

  • viliandy leonardo Product Management Director
    Answer Pro
    Top Contributor

    Bas van Ditzhuijzen

    Hi Bas, 

    Please follow conversation about adding details to the run history here. Also, please let me know if you are available for a meeting to go over other feedbacks you might have and I'll reach out to you.

    Thank you 

  • Courtney Jordan Experience Strategy & Design Director Community moderator
    Celigo University Level 4: Legendary
    Awesome Follow-up
    Top Contributor

    Hi Steve Klett,

    As always, thank you so much for your insights in helping us to improve this experience - you and Dave are invaluable co-design partners. We've sent you some proposed enhancements that we'd love to get your feedback on, including the date/time default, as Vili mentioned.

    Hello, Bas van Ditzhuijzen, would you be interested in providing feedback on these proposed Q1 enhancements as well? We'd love to get your feedback!

    Thank you both for sharing your pain points and helping us improve the experience!



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