Feature Request: Filter Zendesk API calls
The Zendesk IA does not allow us to modify the filter on the API calls. For delta flows, it will only filter on the date/time that the flow last ran. Any additional filtering has to be done on the NetSuite import side.
The problem is that ZD limits API results to 1000 records. We have a situation where there are other integrations touching ZD user records, often more than 1000 in a 15-minute period. So if one of our users edits a ZD user, that update may not be picked up the the Celigo flow, because of the API limit. If we could use the handlebar editor to add criteria to the API call we could limit the number of records returned to the ones that our flow cares about.
If somebody has a workaround for this I'd love to know about it, but for now we had to create a custom flow, which is difficult to manage along with the IA and is causing some other issues.
Hi Mike Branch,
Zendesk API results can be filtered by modifying the Relative URI to fetch the result records on Zendesk Export to my knowledge, but currently in Integrations Relative URI can not be modified or updated.
Thank you
No, the integration app does not let you modify it.
My bad mistype, I was supposed to say can not be modified.
It will be an enhancement and need a bigger discussion to see if that can be unlocked.
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