I am having a problem exporting data from google sheet to an app Revnue
Hi All,
Is there someone here who has the same problem as mine? I am trying to add new customer on Revnue from a google sheet values.
Here's the revnue API: https://developer.revnue.com/reference/create-customer
my error is when I run the workflow I get an error that says "{\"detail\":\"company is required\"}".
I don't know how to declare the company ID which required to put the data into the platform.
If anyone encounters this kind of problem that I have. I would like to hear from you how to solve this or from the expert in this community.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Romel Robles, I've sent a request to some of our internal developers to assist on this. My first instinct would be to start with a lookup that lists companies to get the company ID (some integer) before attempting to import, but if the company doesn't already exist, I don't see an option to create it within the API.
List companies: https://developer.revnue.com/reference/list-company
If the company list is fairly static, and you have the company name in the gsheet data, you can set up a static mapping table lookup:
If the data is always associated with the same company you can also just hard-code the ID value for the field.
Hi Romel,
Assuming you have the company name value in your Google Sheet data, a potential solution would be to create a static lookup table for your HTTP body on your import. Using this, you can then set up the table look for the company name value from your source data which will then convert it to the proper company ID that Revnue expects:

Best Regards,
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