Why the 10240 byte limit on REST import body?
I just encountered this error for the first time (sadly, it was after I spent 20 minutes manually formatting a handlebar laden JSON chunk)
The maximum size of the field: rest.body.0 in the Import document should be 10240 bytes.
Why? Quick google scans only come up with some WorkManager/Android related limitations on 10240 bytes.
Luckily, I was able to satisfy this input validation by removing whitespace form the template, though at the great cost of readability. What if the API I was calling (huge, international 3PL) was just a little longer? I couldn't use integrator because of a field size limit?
Maybe there is a solid reason for this limit that I'm not understanding or seeing, if not I hope Celigo will lift this restriction ASAP so we can avoid an integration catastrophe! /hyperbole
Seriously.... please remove the limit.
Hello Steve,
Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention. We have removed this limitation on the HTTP body for REST imports in the Q3 Integrator.io platform release. The REST imports created after the Q3 release should not have this limitation on the HTTP body. We are still in the process of migrating existing REST imports (created before the Q3 release) to the new code with no such limitation.
I assume the import you are working on was created before the Q3 release. if this is not the case, please let us know.
Best Regards
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