Salesforce-NetSuite IA (IO)

One thing I've wished wasn't the case with the Integration Apps is all of the greyed-out options. In this case, I found a solution to my issue if I had access to the inbound/outbound filters, but I don't in the IA because it is greyed out. The other issue, in this case, is the customer is live and no longer has a Sandbox account to test with, so I have to do something in production. Because of this, I wanted to reach out here to see if there was already a solution.

In the "Criteria for Opportunity Sync" on the Salesforce-NetSuite IA (IO), I need to filter out any opportunity that came before 12/01/2021.

I found this:

But that won't work as I don't have access to change the value to "expression" for the Integration App filter criteria. We just need to add a filter on opportunities: "Created Date" "is greater than" "2021-12-01T00:00:000Z".

Thank you for your help,




Date Votes
  • Official comment

    Hey TJ,

    As long as you have Manager or above permissions to the tile, you should be able to add your own filters to the Integration App. Lmk if you are not seeing this on your side.


  • Hey TJ,

    Please try giving 2021-12-01T00:00:00Z instead of 2021-12-01T00:00:000Z at the Criteria filter setting.

    Let us know if you are still seeing the issue.

    Thank you.


  • Hello Rohit,

    This isn't working as I get the following error:

    "Reason : value of filter criterion for field 'CreatedDate' must be of type dateTime and should not be enclosed in quotes, Status Code: 422"

  • Thank you Sowmya,

    We've added this to the customer instance and accepted the date. Waiting to hear back from the customer on whether or not this succeeded (we don't have access to Salesforce to test this change).




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