Issue with Salesforce-NetSuite IA date filter
I have an issue where a client needs to filter out Opportunities that happened before the go-live of the Salesforce-NetSuite IA (IO) app.
The issue is I can't find anything on the community pages, and they only had a temporary sandbox. I am nervous about putting in a filter on the production site without an obvious solution.
Some of the solutions I've found won't work because they require being able to edit the export or import filters, which are not available on the IA. The only filters available are the "Criteria for Opportunity Sync". I need to add a date filter on that sync to filter out any Opportunity created before December 1, 2021.
Since I can't test in a Sandbox environment, has anyone done this before that can give me the magic filter to paste?
Thank you,
Hi TJ,
Please try the scenario as mentioned in
Let us know if you facing the issue.
Thank you.
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