Can I export a file from a URL? https

I have a flow that uses http to create a report request, and it then does a lookup with the requestID to get the download link, I transform at the end of the flow to just pull the ExportLink (as I called it). 

I need to use this exportlink to get the file in a new flow, and then import the results to another application. I cant figure this last step out at the moment. 





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  • I am guessing that even if this can work, that it wont because the url itself is too long, I get this error: 

    The maximum size of the field: in the Connection document should be 2048 bytes.

  • Hi Ross Orr - I checked with one of our solution consultants. He recommends you sign up for an office hours session to discuss this. Thanks!

  • I cant sign up to office hours without completing a bunch of Celigo University course work that I dont have time for. 

  • Hey Ross, how many characters are in the file download URLs?  If we can work through this size limitation, then everything else should be doable.

    If we are in fact blocked by this size limit, then we could also submit an enhancement request to increase the URL size limits on our side.  The size limits that we chose a very long time ago were just based on what most major browsers had as their limits.

  • Hi Ross Orr,
    You should be able to attend our general Office Hours without having to do any Celigo University coursework. It is only people who are implementing Integration Apps or who are partners who need to get certified first for other Office Hours. Here's an article that should clarify this. Thanks!


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