Netsuite Bin transfer not support inventory detail?
I'm trying to import Bin Transfer from Celigo flow,
Some how most of transaction support subrecord but Bin Transfer is not one of them.
Any workaround or suggestion?
George Cheng Cory Anderson Justin Bodin Johnson Lin "Inventory Details" subrecord is supported in Bin Transfer Record type.

Hey Johnson Lin Unfortunately, inventory subrecord is not supported for "Bin Transfer" record.
I've created an enhancement for the same(IO-24766). We'll try to fix this in an upcoming release. I'll keep this thread updated once we have this supported in the product.
I'd really like to see this enhancement happen too. I might be confused, but not sure the purpose of a bin transfer import if you can't set inventory detail. Thanks!
I've just come across a use case for inventory detail subrecord on a Bin Transfer. Since this isn't supported yet we will not be able to use io for this need. Hopefully it will come soon.
Is the bin transfer is available on Celigo now?
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