Special Characters within Amazon Seller SKU (Double Quote)


We've recently encoutnered a situation where some of our client's Seller SKUs on Amazon contain a special character (the quote quote ["] specifically) to denote a dimension within the Seller SKU.

We do currently have a support ticket open, but have not made significant progress. Has anyone in the community had experience with replacing/removing or reading the literal " symbol within an Amazon Seller SKU? We'd prefer to use the literal value and then correlate this to an alias record, but are open to replacing the special character with a blank (" ") as an alternative. None of the expressions we've created thus far with Celigo support have resolved the issue. 

Any tips, tricks, or advice would be greatly appreciated. 



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  • The recommended approach to resolve is to implement the flowing handlebar as an expression within the order flow:

    {{#if OrderItem.*.SellerSKU }}{{{replace OrderItem.*.SellerSKU '\"' '"'}}}{{else}}{{{OrderItem.0.SellerSKU}}}{{/if}}

    This accounts for scenarios where one item is on the order, as well as when multiple items are on the order. The code will remove the backslash escape character and expects to see the quote in the NetSuite item or alias record name.

    *Note as of 2/15/22, IA has a limitation which cannot allow a handlebar expression to be the first mapping item, so the quantity ordered mapping value should be moved up to occur before the item lookup.


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