line level location mapping issue

Integration: Shopify - NetSuite IA

Flow : Shopify order to NetSuite sales order add (real-time)

We are using the following handlebar in shopify field mapping:
{{#if source_name}}{{#compare source_name '===' 'pos'}}{{fulfillments.[0].location_id}}{{else}}{{shipping_lines.[0].title}}{{/compare}}{{/if}}.
It should map to NetSuite line level location and inventory location fields. We are static lookup so that the netsuite field will only accommodate certain values and will be blank otherwise.
We are getting following results:
1. When the source name is 'pos' and order fulfillment status is not null we import the shopify order as cash sales in NetSuite. In this case we are getting error when we try to sync a multiline order and use the above mentioned handlebar for line level location mapping. The order does get successfully synced if it is single line order
2. When the source name is 'web' we import the shopify order as sales order in NetSuite. In this case only the line level location gets mapped (that too only on first line, rest of the lines will not have any location) and the inventory location is left blank. Since we use netsuite advanced order management, these location are auto assigned if they are left blank. We do not want auto assignment if we do have certain location values from shopify (which are mapped in static lookup).
Can someone help me to find what is wrong with this handlebar and how to map the inventory location?
The actual mapping screenshot:
The static lookup in the mapping (list in the image is not the complete list of lookup):


Date Votes
  • Hello,

    The node which you had mentioned doesn't give valid location details to pick the orders, as there are unique fulfillment orders for each line item, the location we use is a different node in .json i.e., "assigned_location_id" , 
    1. Please enable the "pos" setting to see the data and also there would be no change to the static locations that you had mentioned.
    So, please can you use the handlebar mentioned below for both item : location and also inventory location,
    Please let us know anything that is required.
    Thank you,
    {{#if source_name}}{{#comapre source_name '===' 'pos'}}{{line_items[*].fulfillment_orders.[0].assigned_location_id}}{{/compare}}{{/if}}
  • Shashank Reddy Samala, how will this handlebar work when order source is not POS, cause we do want to map locations for Web orders (BOPIS Orders). Also please elaborate about the POS settings. Are there any other settings apart from the ones located in :

    Order >> Settings >> POS

    I have enabled these ones to process BOPIS orders. Where can I see the data of these orders. I do not see assigned location field in regular Order JSON from shopify admin. Can you put screenshots of this process?

  • Hello,

    There are not other setting for POS, when enabling the BOPIS setting in "POS", Shopify On-Demand flow helps to get access of fulfillment order details, here assigned location is able to see in the preMap data which is pulled from the NetSuite, i.e., for the POS order when you create it, it give access to the location where to fulfill it, so On-Demand flow helps to capture the location and in NetSuite it capture it as "assigned_location", 


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