HTTP OAUTH 2.0 refresh token not working
I have set up a connection to Zoho people's API using HTTP /Oauth 2.0. The connection expires after the access token expiry. The refresh does not seem to be working. I couldn't find an option to configure the refresh token url in HTTP connection setup.
The token request returns the tokens in the following format.
"access_token": "100xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf",
"refresh_token": "10xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb",
"api_domain": "",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600
Please advise how this can be solved.
Hi Divya,
Can you please try to configure the connection as below:
The only thing we missed is to set the 'access_type' query param for the Authorization URL. Please modify that to the one shown in the above screenshot and let us know if you still have any issues.
Can you share screenshots of your full connection setup? For example, what auth type are you using? What grant type? Are you setting any override fields?
Hello Scott,
Thank you for your reply. I already created a support ticket for the issue. I have shared the details with the Technical support representatives. I have included the screenshots for your reference below.

Hey Divya, i deleted my last response because i was able to sync up with various folks internally, and I also scanned what all our other users are doing when they connect to various zoho apis. Can you try setting the following circled fields, and see if this works? Again, this is what I see other users doing. If this does not work, then please continue working with support, and maybe there is a strange behavior specific to zoho people apis that we need to flush out still.
Important notes:
Hi Scott,
Thank you for the update. I tried creating a new connection with the settings you suggested. Unfortunately I am facing the same issue. It works for the first time as long as the access token is valid ( i.e. 3600 seconds), but once the access token expires, the flow throws an oAuth token invalid error: {"response":{"message":"Error occurred","uri":"/api/forms/P_EmployeeView/records","errors":{"code":7213,"message":"The provided OAuth token is invalid."},"status":1}}
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