Shopify Order Number vs. Order Name mapping


I'm probably late to the party on this but I was wonder the logic being mapping the shopify order_number field instead of the name to Celigo's Shopify Order Number field.


order_number - integer - read-only
The order 's position in the shop's count of orders starting at 1001. Order numbers are sequential and start at 1001.
name - string
The order name, generated by combining the order_number property with the order prefix and suffix that are set in the merchant's general settings. This is different from the id property, which is the ID of the order used by the API. This field can also be set by the API to be any string value.
The name is much more relevant, and most clients create a new custom field to store this in addition the default Celigo mapping of name > PO Number.   
What was the logic here in mapping the order_number??  I don't think it's usable (based on current documentation/experience).  Perhaps it was more usable prior to the advent of the name.  


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  • Official comment

    Hi David,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. Would like to understand why the customers create a new custom field to store the name in addition to default Celigo mapping. How do they plan to use that field? How can we make it more usable ? 




  • Hi Sree,

    My question is half just curiosity.  I don't see the "number" as useful to anyone really. The name is what's seen within Shopify and the order Id is what you need to access the record via API.  From a usability perspective I sorta don't like using Otherrefnum to store the order name since the default label for that field is PO Number. Multichannel NetSuite users would have a mix of real customer PO numbers in that field along with shopify order numbers.  We've decided to create a field we call "external order number" for these types of users and another field call "external ordering system."  

    In this example the NetSuite users relabeled the PO Number and as you can see they prefixed their order names in Shopify.  This makes the Shopify Order Number field sort of useless.   


  • The other little usability "nice-to-have" that we implement for our customers (really for me??) is a deep link to the Shopify transaction on the NetSuite Sales Order/Invoice.  If you stored the store URL in NetSuite this could be totally data driven. I haven't seen the store URL so I hard code part of the path in a NetSuite formula sourced text field.  Below, you see the Shopify Admin URL which takes the user directly to the Shopify order.  It's a nice feature in my opinion.  

  • Thanks for taking the time to explain the details, David! We've added them to our backlog for evaluation. 


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