Thanks for all your help. I ended up configuring the source to my records in the source and then changing the page size to 3000 (although I was able to go higher). I then adjusted my Snowflake bat...
I don't think any of the suggestions apply to my case. The new auto recovery feature for governance seems very promising though.
After setting the concurrency level to 1, I still get quota exceeded errors. Is there anyway to throttle my requests by setting a maximum number of requests per minute for example?
Thank you for the information. This note on the Assign concurrency levels to data transfer page confused me: NOTE: If you do not select any Concurrency level value for a universal HTTP connection ...
Thanks again! I like this method much better.
Thanks for this insight. I was wondering, If instead of doing "one to many" in my Snowflake import bubble, I specify the path to the individual records in your Amazon source export, would this redu...
Thanks, that page is just what I was looking for. Where is the keyword "this" explained. I didn't find it in the handlebar reference
No need to contact support, I am now importing the entire record as a variant. From there I should be able to manipulate the data in snowflake from there. I think the data type issues were caused b...
Thank you! I think I misunderstood what {{{jsonSerialize this}}} was. I now realize that jsonSerialize is a helper and this represents the entire record. This is exactly what I was looking for. Now...
Im not sure how to tell the mapping to select the whole record (maybe the word "this")? Also I think I realize what you were saying in the other post, that jsonserialize is a helper, and that eithe...