Shoot, after I pasted my screenshot of the response mapping, I noticed I was using data[0] instead of data[*]. Changing that allowed all the results to be passed through the remainder of the flow....
Quick update - I believe I got the pagination to work via the "Next Page Token" Paging method, but I am still running into the original issue I mentioned on this ticket where the paginated results ...
Thanks for that info, I tried that but still get the same error: This makes some sense to me though since my initial query passes in the "cursor" parameter of null, so I would assume it is trying ...
Any other ideas what the problem could be, or is this a bug in the platform? I also tried using the "Next page token" pagination option, but that either gives me errors or I don't get any data bey...
Hi Bas, thank you for that. Yes I have tried that previously, and I believe it is working. When I set both queries to have numProducts of 2, in the Preview pane it shows 1 Page with 10 Records (s...
Really hoping someone here can help me out with this, as I can't figure out why this is happening, and the Celigo support represent I've been working with via a support ticket can't figure it out e...